
Nestledamongmajesticredwoods,ourcommunityoffersasereneretreatwhilebeingjustmomentsawayfromdowntownDavisandtheUCDaviscampus.,RedwoodTreeApartmentsoffersone-bedroomapartmentsinwhatisadvertisedasaclean,quietcomplex.PricesforFall2023:$1995foraone-bedroomand$2995 ...,A2story,30unitapartmentcomplexincentralDavis.4blocksfromdowntown,onbusline.Quiet,safeandwellkept.Per-unitsubletsadvertisedonother ......

Redwood Tree Apartments

Nestled among majestic redwoods, our community offers a serene retreat while being just moments away from downtown Davis and the UC Davis campus.

Redwood Tree Apartments - Davis

Redwood Tree Apartments offers one-bedroom apartments in what is advertised as a clean, quiet complex. Prices for Fall 2023 : $1995 for a one-bedroom and $2995 ...

Redwood Tree Apartments

A 2 story, 30 unit apartment complex in central Davis. 4 blocks from downtown, on bus line. Quiet, safe and well kept. Per-unit sublets advertised on other ...

Redwood Tree Apartments

評分 4.1 (7) A 2 story, 30 unit apartment complex in central Davis. 4 blocks from downtown, on bus line. Quiet, safe and well kept. Per-unit sublets advertised on other ...

Redwood Tree Apartments - Davis, CA

評分 4.1 (7) · $2,195 A 2 story, 30 unit apartment complex in central Davis. 4 blocks from downtown, on bus line. Quiet, safe and well kept. Per-unit sublets advertised on other ...

Redwood Tree Apartments

Redwood Tree Apartments is a Davis Apartment located at 607 E 8th St. The property features a 1 BR rental unit available starting at $2195.

Redwood Tree Apartments - 607 E 8th St, Davis, CA 95616

Redwood Tree Apartments is a 660 square foot property with 1 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. Redwood Tree Apartments is located in Davis, the 95616 zipcode, and the ...

Redwood Tree Apartments, Davis

Redwood Tree Apartments is less than a mile from UC Davis and surrounded by supermarkets, restaurants and shops. There are a variety of apartment amenities.


評分 3.0 (4) Redwood Tree Apartments · Map · 607 E 8th St. Apt 7A. Davis, CA 95616. Directions · (530) 758-4360. Call Now · Payment methods. Does Redwood Tree Apartments ...

Redwood Tree Apartments - 607 E 8th St Davis CA

Redwood Tree Apartments apartment community at 607 E 8th St Davis CA, offers units from 643 - 660 sqft. Explore availability.